Think twice before you use a snatch strap on a vehicle badly stuck in sticky in mud.
In general, a vehicle that is really badly stuck in thick mud should not be recovered by a snatch strap. Instead, a winch, some traction aids, and plenty of shovel work are the better options.
If you've ever been really stuck in mud you know mud can have a level of suction that is truly unbelievable. The moment you stop moving, the mud sucks down on your rig and refuses to let go The problem is that a snatch strap applies A LOT of momentary force. If you manage to pull the vehicle out, then you are in the clear, but if it doesn't, all of that force goes through your snatch strap, the recovery points and into the chassis, with plenty of the potential to damage the vehicles involved, not to mention the occupants.
In that thick sticky kind of mud, a winch is a much better option. A winch gradually applies pressure until the suction brakes and the rig moves instead of using sudden shocks to try to pull the stuck rig loose. The best thing to do is dig as much mud away as possible, place your traction aids and winch it out. This lowers your chances of damaging the vehicle and increases your chance of getting the rig out without a major battle. Of course, not everyone has a winch, so you have to make do with what you've got available but be as prepared as you can and use your winch if you have one.
I am not saying you should chuck your snatch strap or kinetic rope, just be aware of the extra stress and damage you can do to your rig by using them on a rig really bogged in the mud.
Wheel Safe!!